Half a Century of
Changing Thoughts,
Changing Behavior &
Changing Lives!

Over 160 Courses in Six Categories

Over the past 50 years, ACCI has expanded to address the needs of not only adults and juveniles within the justice system, but also individuals transitioning out of it, those seeking to develop new skills, and students in both secondary and elementary education. We have continuously enhanced our delivery methods and technology, all while integrating best practices for Cognitive-Behavioral Programming and evidence-based techniques.

Where We've Been, and Where We're Going

NTSI (National Traffic Safety Institute)
NTSI (National Traffic Safety Institute)

Larry Lloyd established the National Traffic Safety Institute and in October 1975, he taught the first behavioral traffic safety class in Walnut Creek, California.

NTSI’s Expansion: Bay Area Classes
NTSI’s Expansion: Bay Area Classes

As NTSI grew they held classes in various locations in the the Bay Area (California).

Central Texas
Central Texas

Larry moved his family to Austin Texas and expanded into Traffic Courts in Central Texas.

Larry Founded NCTI (National Corrective Training Institute)
Larry Founded NCTI (National Corrective Training Institute)

NCTI went from working with only traffic courts to also working with criminal courts. NCTI established sites all over central Texas to deliver an 8-hour lifeskills class.

Developing Criminal Courses & Programs
Developing Criminal Courses & Programs

Larry developed 2 new criminal courses (Theft/Shoplifting & Bad Check).

NCTI Began Holding Classes in Maricopa County
NCTI Began Holding Classes in Maricopa County

Classes were held in 20 different locations in the Phoenix area.

Larry Founded ACCI (American Community Corrections Institute)
Larry Founded ACCI (American Community Corrections Institute)

Sine the founding of ACCI, we have operated under this business and legal entity until today.

ACCI Original Website
ACCI Original Website
Larry Training Bastrop County Probation
ACCI Moved to Richfield Utah
ACCI Moved to Richfield Utah
Larry Sharing New Science

In this Video, Larry explains how ACCI went from using a basic lifeskills approach to a cognitive lifeskills model.

Added Self-directed Learning Format
Added Self-directed Learning Format
Founded Reentry Lifeskills
Founded Reentry Lifeskills

ACCI formally launched a correspondence-based program that operated through the mail. Today, ACCI has reached incarcerated individuals in over 1,000 correctional facilities.

US Probation | North Dakota Recidivism Study
US Probation | North Dakota Recidivism Study

This was a landmark experimental research study that opened the door to working directly with US Probation and Pretrial. Today, ACCI’s programs are used by over 800 US Probation and Pretrial Officers. ACCI remains committed to conducting and publishing outcomes and research! For more information, please visit our research page

Added Affiliate Program
Introduced eLearning Format
Launched Lifeskills Link
Launched Lifeskills Link

In 2015, ACCI took a bold step toward innovation by developing its own software platform. Today, Lifeskills Link is a trusted solution serving thousands of criminal justice and education agencies, and even more participants. By providing powerful data and insights, the platform empowers change agents to drive meaningful cognitive-behavioral transformation in their clients and students.

Expanded into School Systems
Expanded into School Systems

Expanded into education and prevention. For more information, view the Education Lifeskills website.

Larry Group Facilitation in Homeless Shelter
Trevor Lloyd Assumes Leadership
Trevor Lloyd Assumes Leadership
Released Lifeskills Link 2.0
Introduced Brief Intervention Courses
Introduced Brief Intervention Courses
Lifeskills Link Student Mobile App
Lifeskills Link Student Mobile App

Learn more about the Lifeskills Link Mobile App.

Early Intervention Courses for 5th-6th Grade
Early Intervention Courses for 5th-6th Grade
General Lifeskills Courses
General Lifeskills Courses

This course development represents a significant milestone as ACCI expands into related course categories. Unlike ACCI’s traditional CBT-based programs, these courses focus on vocational, educational, and informational topics that are crucial for successful reentry. Learn more about ACCI’s general lifeskills courses.

Lifeskills Link Admin Mobile App
Lifeskills Link Admin Mobile App

Learn more about the Lifeskills Link Mobile App.

As we consider the countless hours and effort of those who helped move this work forward, we look forward with greater vision and with increased ambition! Please visit one of our sites to learn more and to see where we are going!

We equip schools and districts with a cognitive/behavior intervention curriculum and platform.

A leader for reducing recidivism rates.

We are pleased to offer correspondence courses to your friends or family members who are incarcerated.


ACCI Lifeskills




